Apple has placed senior employee on indefinite administrative leave after she tweeted about sexism in the office. Engineering program manager Ashley Gjøvik had been ‘raising concerns with Apple employee relations about years of experiences with sexism, a hostile work environment, sexual harassment, unsafe working conditions, and retaliation, she told The Verge. Gjøvik said the company made no effort to set boundaries and instead placed her on administrative leave and implied they did not want her on Slack where I had been vocal about my concerns with certain policies at the company, she further revealed to The Verge. Here's why Apple says it hates leaks This is the second time Apple has investigated Gjøvik’s claims about sex discrimination at the company. Earlier the employee relations team closed an investigation, having found nothing wrong according to Gjøvik who later shared screenshots to explain her concerns. Gjøvik says she was also dismissed when she expressed concerns about unsafe working conditions. Gjøvik is however on administrative leave as Apple investigates the matter. No comment has been made by Apple on the matter so far.
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