At CES 2025, Nvidia unveiled its latest line of graphics cards, led by the GeForce RTX 5090. The announcement, made on January 7, 2025, highlights Nvidia’s new flagship GPU, which will be available starting January 30, 2025, at a price of $1,999. The RTX 5090 is set to succeed the RTX 4090, continuing Nvidia’s trend of offering high-performance GPUs for gaming and professional use. In addition to the RTX 5090, Nvidia revealed a range of other models, including the RTX 5080 priced at $999, the RTX 5070 Ti at $749, and the RTX 5070 at $549. The RTX 5070 is expected to provide performance similar to the RTX 4090, offering a more affordable option for consumers seeking high-end performance at a lower price point. The release of the new RTX 5000 series marks the end of the long run of the RTX 4000 series, which saw a notably extended lifecycle. New graphics cards from Nvidia typically follow a two-year release cycle, but the RTX 4000 series had a lifespan longer than usual, partly due to limited competition from AMD and Intel. Nvidia’s RTX 4090 had held the title of the most powerful desktop graphics card on the market, with no comparable offerings from its competitors. Despite the higher prices, Nvidia appears to be positioning the RTX 5090 as a dominant force in the GPU market, continuing the trend of offering flagship models with a significant performance edge over competitors. The company may introduce more affordable options in the future, such as the RTX 5060, but for now, the higher-end 50-series cards dominate the lineup. The launch of the RTX 5090 will cater to the increasing demand for powerful GPUs capable of handling demanding tasks like full ray tracing in modern games, such as Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. This card, and the rest of the RTX 5000 series, is expected to support the latest gaming technologies and keep high-performance PCs competitive for several years.
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