Video-sharing platform TikTok has reportedly shelved its plans to introduce 'On Trend', its live shopping feature, in the United States and Europe. For the last few months, TikTok was testing the feature in the UK that incorporated the idea of shopping via livestream for famous brands. It was the first time that the company had launched the idea outside of Asia. However, the idea failed to gain good momentum. According to a report by the Financial Times, the initiative didn't gain enough audience or sales and some of the creators involved in early TikTok Shop projects have dropped out altogether. As a result, the company has dropped the plan of launching it in the US and Europe. It is currently trying to focus on the UK. According to The Verge, the concept of shopping live streams, which is led by influencers and celebrities, is quite popular in the Asian market. It is an enormous business for TikTok’s owner, ByteDance. While the app has gained huge popularity, the company is continuously testing the shopping feature to get more audience on board.
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